The Special Fries!
Potato or "aloo" is a very Nepali thing. You can eat an aloo, or you know, you can be an aloo if your friends call you that lovingly. Who doesn't love aloo? Well if you ever ask anyone to volunteer to eating french fries or any sort of dish which includes potatoes, I'll always be the first one in line. In Nepali, there is a saying "Potato is the king of vegetables". This is because they can be eaten in a hundred different ways; boiled, fried, pickled, in soups, as stand-alone dishes and as a part of cooked meals. Late at night and need a quick time easy bite? Aloo to the rescue! See, aloo is always there, even when no one else is. Okay, I may have talked a lot about aloos so let me actually focus on the dish. The place that I'm talking about today is the Shavi's fries, which is located in Thamel. I previously did a blog post about this place about two weeks ago. This place is adorned by a giant chalkboard wall which is really interesting to...